OK, fellow Hazelnuts!
Our endearing neighbour to the north, Ritchie Community League, is at it again, and is challenging all Edmonton neighbourhoods to "June Bike Month" from June 1-30, 2023. As the 2-time "Move for Mental Health" Challenge Champions, we've got a few goals ahead of us:
#1 - Get active, for our own mental and physical well-being. #2 - Contribute to the overall goal of 250,000km travelled. #3 - Beat our 2022 June Bike Month 3rd place finish.
You can help accumulate kilometers for "Hazeldean United" through both indoor and outdoor cycling. Here’s three AWESOME ways to participate in the challenge!
OPTION #1: Join the "Hazeldean United" STRAVA group, and sync your favourite fitness tracking device to automatically upload your data: https://www.strava.com/clubs/801266
OPTION #2: Manually submit your cycling stats into this Google Form: https://forms.gle/XXmpVjkjtRhg2Hg96 Don't forget your multipliers, if you are manually logging an activity that only one person was tracking on a device. For example, if there were 5 people in your family, that 3km bike ride is really worth 15km!
OPTION #3: Email your weekly totals to secretary@hazeldean.org by 11:59:59pm each Sunday evening.
Let's rack up those km’s, Hazelnuts!