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Take Part

Ways to Contribute


Hazeldean Community League depends on your commitment to volunteer in order to promote real change on the ground and in our community. If it weren’t for the active participation of countless individuals, Hazeldean Community League would be far more limited.


Wondering how to give back and be a part of a transformative organization that helps so many people? It’s always the right time to Fundraise and become an invaluable part of our success.

Raise Awareness

Our organization always appreciates the generosity and involvement of people like you, with your time and commitment going towards making Hazeldean Community League an even better Non-Profit Organization.

Become a Hazeldean Community League Member

Become an Annual Hazeldean Community League Member

Are you a resident of Hazeldean? Awesome! Become a member of the Hazeldean Community League! 

Annual memberships for Hazeldean residents is $20 for families or $10 individual. Memberships provide voting privileges at annual and general meetings, as well as the benefits listed below. If you have any questions about memberships, please contact our
Memberships Director.


Where to get Your Hazeldean Community League Membership

Hazeldean Community League memberships may be purchased at:

  • ONLINE - The Edmonton Federation of Community League (EFCL) website:​

  • IN PERSON - Hazeldean Drug Mart: 9611 – 66 Avenue (Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.)

  • IN PERSON: At any of our Hazeldean Community League events.


Why Become a Community League Member?
It's Where Neighbours Meet and Great Things Happen!


Fees collected from membership sales provide much-needed funds for Community Leagues to accomplish their mandate of bringing community residents together and improving the community and the quality of life for all residents. 

Leagues accomplish this through organizing various recreational, educational and sports programming, hosting community events, developing amenities such as water parks and community halls and by being the voice of the community when it comes to civic engagement with the City of Edmonton.

Your purchase of a membership provides you with reduced rates to city recreational facilities through the Community League Wellness Program*, gives you the opportunity to know your neighbours through organized sports participation and community events, plus gives you a voice in the shaping of your community. 
Many Leagues also arrange further benefits with local non-city amenities and businesses. In many cases, members get reduced rates on their community hall rental, so make sure to check with your League to see what else they offer.

Periodically, special events happen within Edmonton and the organizers offer reduced ticket rates to Community Leagues members. Here’s were you can view details, rates and facilities included in the City of Edmonton Community Wellness Program.



Holding a Hazeldean Community Membership provides you with:

  • Voting privileges at meetings. The annual general meeting occurs in the month of October. In order for you to vote at this meeting, you must reside in Hazeldean with a current membership.

  • A voice on local government issues such as development permit variances, re-zoning applications, and traffic issues.

  • Free skating on Edmonton's League Outdoor rinks. The Avonmore Community League (four minutes drive away) has a hockey rink and a large public skating rink, as does Ritchie. Please remember to bring your membership card for entry into these facilities. Hazeldean no longer has an outdoor rink, but does has a smaller snowbank rink beside the playground.

  • Free public skating at indoor city arenas.  Please check the City of Edmonton website for the schedule to public skating times. The closest arena to our community is Donnan.

  • Free swimming at designated pools. Our current free swim time is at Bonnie Doon Pool Sundays 4:15pm - 5:45pm.

  • Your family can join up for programs offered by the Hazeldean Community League like hockey, soccer, and playgroup.

  • Free or discounted access to Hazeldean Community League events which have a ticket or entrance fee.

  • Additional city-wide saving and benefits, as listed on the EFCL website.

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