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Hall Rental


Coming Soon! Looking for a COMMERCIAL KITCHEN space?

We'll soon be renting out our Hall Kitchen on an hourly, full-day, and half-day basis.

Stay tuned for more details!


Hazeldean Community Hall is located at 9630 66 Ave. It is capable of hosting events with a capacity of up to 250 people. Read below to learn more about our amenities, rental insurance, and rental terms and conditions.


Contact Our Hall Office

If you would like to receive pricing, ask skill testing questions, or book the hall, please contact the Hazeldean Hall office at:

Email: (preferred)

Telephone: 780-439-0847


💸 Click HERE for Current Rental Rates


Exterior - Property Amenities

  • Playground and spray deck are adjacent to the hall

  • A soccer field and two baseball diamonds

  • The City of Edmonton maintains the playground/spray deck, soccer field, and two ball diamonds.  If your event includes usage of parkland, a permit is required from the City - please allow ample time for permit processing when booking the Hall

  • Ample free parking


Interior - Main Hall Amenities

  • Capacity:  250 people, or 220 people with alcohol

  • Main hall dimensions:  64.5 x 48.5 feet 

  • Floor to ceiling height is 14 feet, 8 inches 

  • Raised corner stage is 16 x 15 feet 

  • Stage to ceiling height is 10 feet 12 inches 

  • We do not provide DJ service

  • Separate bar has sliding 2 door bar fridge, 7 cubic feet chest freezer, stainless steel sink and counter 

  • We do not provide bartending service

  • Large kitchen equipped with a upright fridge (without freezer), stove, microwave, stainless steel counter & 2 double sinks back to back, 3-shelf trolley

  • We do not supply cutlery, dishes or table linen

  • We do not provide catering service

  • Available are enough tables (8' x 2 1/2') and folding chairs to accommodate approximately 180 to 220 persons depending on utilization

  • Lighting: LED on dimmer switch with LED spot lighting along the sides and a separate LED stage light

  • Variable speed ceiling fans, air conditioning

  • Main floor is wheelchair accessible

  • There is 32 feet of mirror on one wall

  • Cloak room is adjacent to the main entrance

  • Fire alarm and four fire extinguishers (bar, kitchen (2), upstairs meeting room)




















Interior - Upstairs Meeting Room Amenities

  • Capacity:  48

  • Upstairs meeting room dimensions:  35.5 x 13.5 feet 

  • Furnished with conference tables and upholstered chairs


Interior - Community Room Amenities

  • The newly renovated Community Room is now available for rent

  • Capacity: 50

  • No cooking facilities, but does contain a fridge and microwave




















Other Amenities

  • Stored under the stage, there is a 12-foot ladder for our renter's use

  • We have five small, square tables available upon request (useful for registration book, cake, stage) 

  • We have a counter on wheels with two shelves that can be provided as a ticket booth 

  • There is a phone in the kitchen which is capable of making local calls but cannot receive calls

  • In winter, we provide shovels and salt (renter's must shovel the snow) 

  • For the warmer weather, we provide rake for cleaning up garbage left behind from rental outside 

  • For our renter's convenience, we stock toilet paper, paper towel, and liquid hand soap 

  • In the furnace room we have available brooms, dust pan, wet mops, mop buckets, bucket sink, hand truck for unloading/loading, garbage bags, and floor cleaner 

  • There are seven garbage containers throughout the building and the garbage bin outside is locked for security


Insurance Requirements

  • Renters are required to have 3rd party liability certificate (also known as the Host Liquor Liability Insurance) identifying that Hazeldean Community League is "additionally insured" on the certificate prior to approval of rental.

  • This certificate can be obtained through AMA at 1-800-615-5897 or PAL Insurance Brokers Ltd at 1-800-661-1608.

  • Please allow at least one week for processing.  A copy of the finalized certificate must be submitted to the Hall prior to key pick up.

  • Renters are also required to provide proof of a liquor permit prior to approval of rental (liquor permits are available for purchase at most retail liquor stores).


Hall Rental Terms and Conditions

Cleaning of the hall is the responsibility of the renter.  Please leave the premises in the same state as it was found.

  • During your rental, cleaning of washrooms, floors, counters, etc. is the responsibility of the renter.

  • Brooms, wet mops, mop buckets, floor cleaner, toilet plungers (found in each washroom) and garbage bags are supplied by the Hall for the renter's convenience.

  • Renters must provide their own cleaning detergent (other than the floor cleaner), rags, and pails.

  • By the contract end time, the renter is required to remove all belongings, have all garbage in outside waste bin, ensure tables and chairs are leaned and stacked neatly and properly, ensure floor is wet mopped and thoroughly cleaned (good enough to walk on barefoot), and ensure general clean up of kitchen, bar and bathrooms.

  • Candles must be inside a non-combustible container that is at least as tall as the candle.

  • Hall decorations are acceptable under the condition that only non-residue painter's tape is  used. Use of staples, tacks, nails, scotch tape, masking tape or duck tape is strictly prohibited.

  • Edmonton's smoking bylaw prohibits smoking in the building.

With 3 weeks notice or more from the renter, the booking is confirmed when:

  1. Security deposit cheque is received, deposited and cleared.

  2. A signed contract from the renter is received by the hall.

  3. The rental cheque (post-dated for 3 weeks prior to booked date) is received by the hall.

With less than 3 weeks notice, the booking is confirmed when:

  1. Certified cheque or money order for the security deposit and the rental fee is received, deposited and cleared by the hall.

  2. A signed contract from the renter is received by the hall.

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